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Locally made fruit jams and stuff. These people have been doing it for years, and they stick to their guns. No sugar added, and if they do they write it on the label. They tell the truth-because their customers need to know.It is nice to deal with someone honest-many food manufacturers want to sell so badly they will say anything to you. These people won't. They say it like it is. A jar of their jam is not a hard glutenous lump of gelled stuff. They don't add sugar to it- or "candy" the fruit-the owner's words. Sugar hardens the fruit and turns it into jelly. Their jams are all soft set and cooked down naturally. You can see and feel the texture on your tongue.The raspberry is tart-just like fresh red raspberries. To get a review that says the raspberry jam is sour or tart is a good thing for them. A farmer knows that Fresh raspberries are not sweet naturally. It is comforting to know that real people make real food, and they know where it comes from.The worlds best jam, the best owners, and people. Logan, Utah should be proud to have such a company in their town.

Logan C.


What more could you want than beautifully defined fruit flavor, less sugar than store bought and most homemade jams, lovely containers, novel combinations, and gorgeous presentation? And it's locally produced? Winner! Winner! I like the Huck Finn huckleberry jam, the Dirty Diana cherry jam, and the Back in Black blueberry/blackberry jam. The experience of eating these jams is this: the fruit flavors hit the palate first, then the secondary ingredients, like the liqueurs, chocolate, spices, or juices, then the sweetness. It's a complex flavor experience that you simply must try. Order from the website, or pick some up at many of the Utah Farmer's markets and stores!

Fan Review On Yelp

I recently visited Salt Lake City and was able to visit a few Farmer's Markets. I found MANY jam and jelly companies and NOT ONE of them compare to Butcher's Bunches Handcrafted Preserves. I work in the food industry and have never tasted anything better. These preserves are fresh fruit seasoned with just the right spices. You do not get a heady sugar overload when eating them, and their recipes are unique and fresh! I found one other company that had some unique recipes in the Salt Lake area, however their unique variety lasted as long a little google research. Butcher's Bunches has had made every recipe that they had on their little table in the past three years, and done it without sugar. So hat's off to you Butcher's Bunches Handcrafted Preserves! You are an innovator, an inspiration and a leader. Keep it up and I will never eat a jar of jam made by another producer in my life!

Facebook Fan Review

I teach at an elementary school in the valley and our PTA put together gift bags for us with your sauced products for teacher appreciation week. What they did was they had single serve vanilla ice cream cups and 4 different sauced toppings to try. Then based on the one we liked there was a gift bag with a jar of that kind plus a few other locally made products. I tried my Salted Watermelon Carmel tonight with apple slices and it was very yummy! I have been meaning to come out to the store and try you out since you have a coupon in Cache Valley Direct, and now this gives me more incentive to do so.

B. Shidler


Whether you have heard feedback from our 1,300 riders this year (or our nearly 200 volunteers) or not. Allow me to express our thanks, and to pass along a couple of the positive comments that have been said to me. “I was impressed with all of the food options, but specifically that all natural jam was tasty!” and “Thanks to you, your sponsors, and your volunteers for catering to our family and our son’s dietary needs. I was surprised to see Butcher’s Bunches and Dave’s Killer Bread out at the rest stops… It speaks highly of the ADA they are able to attract such quality brands, and highly of those brands that they support such a great cause!

Tour De Cure 2013

Most of us have tried forex trading on our own and have lost a lot for reasons best known to us. Lack of proper skills, timing and experience but here is an ✅Alternative to regain your lost funds by letting a reliable trader like Mr. Killian Bayer to manage your investment portfolio.😮with as little as $1,000 investment with Mr. Killian Bayer, you are guaranteed $14,000 profit within 7 days of your investment🤩 🌈For more details on how to get started, connect with Mr. Killian Bayer through his business accounts below👇👇 ✅WhatsApp: +1 (707) 654-4150 ✅Email 📧: Facebook: Killian Bayer

Mphoentle Maluks


It’s a jam with a rockin’ badass-itude, sharing its namesake with a legendary AC/DC tune. Logan-based Butcher’s Bunches “Back in Black” jam is a delicious confection made from raspberries and blackberries grown in Brigham City, then soaked in Amaretto and mixed with a seductively rich and dark chocolate from Utah’s Amano Artisan Chocolate. Jam guru Liz-Kennard Butcher initially crafted the treat for the 2010 Sundance Film Festival, but it’s now on her regular roster of products.

Best Ac/Dc-Inspired Jam

Liz's Jams are some of the best in the industry. Her dedication to local and sustainable ingredients are second to none. In an industry where local/sustainable claims are too often wildly exaggerated, Liz insists on the best quality choice, even when it may make for marketing sense to use something cheaper. It is TRUE artisans like Liz that will preserve humankind's most precious culinary traditions in the face of an industrial food system that stacks the odds against uncompromising quality.

Utah Vendor

Last night at the Downtown Farmers Market event at Squatters in Salt Lake City, my son tasted your jam and declared "that it tastes like the cherry preserve grandma makes on the fruit farm in Michigan!" The place where I was born and raised.....the fact that you use fresh fruit with very little sugar is so refreshing when so many jam producers are overpowering the flavors of the fruit with too-sweet sugar. All of the complex flavors are lost in the overpowering sweet!

Liberty Heights Fresh Market

Individual Name Removed Upon Request

I love Butcher's Bunches! Especially the Ramblin Raspberry. Can't. Get. Enough. So I end up writing my name on the lid. Gotta mark my territory. Get your own! We sell their preserves in our market and our customers love them too. People come to our market just for them. If you have a store, you Need this product! Trust me. As a bonus, we love their staff. Some of the most down-to-earth, cool people to deal with.

John S.


I absolutely love your products! I have tried many of the wonderful flavors, and love all of them! I tasted your jam at an outdoor market in Utah, and have been mail ordering your jams for a few years now. I use them all the time, and my family loves them! You changed my life by making healthy jams without lots of added sugar!!! Never stop making these fabulous jams!

Annette Grande Magjuka


The best jams and customer service I have ever gotten. Hands down. I am sad to see that the Griffiths family is putting up negative reviews on Google in retaliation too an incident between Sharilee Griffiths and the business owner. (Spencer Taylor). They have destroyed this businesses' Facebooks ratings. Out of personal spite, not due to the product being good or bad.

Kathy Kramer


Newest flavor: Sone like it Hot! A lot of peppers and that's it! These guys make the best pepper jam I have ever eaten. It's not a bunch of sugar with some spicey flavor.It is just what the name says! PEPPER JAM (Ed into a jar!)I really like a company that does what it says.

Sally J.


I just opened another jar of Butcher's Bunches Raspberry Vanilla preserves and I am addicted to this stuff. I can't even remember how I found this place, but I'm so glad I did. There's no added sugar in it so it is not overly sweet, but it tastes just like fresh raspberries and then you get the hit of vanilla. I never really write reviews but this stuff is amazing!

Sheri B.


Some of the most creative blends to keep the sweet balanced without any extra sugar, fun approaches, and amazing personalities creating and serving it all up! About the only thing I can say in warning is: be prepared to always crave the amazing after this! These spoil you and you'll never want to go back!

Rachel Martin


I just bought two bottles from the downtown SLC farmers market, and I have to tell you... I'm in love! I've been searching for a good quality no sugar added jam and finally found you. You are amazing!! Thank you!! I can't wait to try every flavor now!

Rhiannon Lawrence-Zitting

Repeat Customer

I just opened another jar of Butcher's Bunches Raspberry Vanilla preserves and I am addicted to this stuff. I can't even remember how I found this place, but I'm so glad I did. There's no added sugar in it so it is not overly sweet, but it tastes just like fresh raspberries.

Sheri B.


I absolutely LOVE your preserves! They are fresh, flavorful, and perfectly crafted as a creative healthy alternative to satisfy the sweet desire in all of us. Everyone in my life receives a jar of Butcher's Bunches!

Merilee Johnson


We appreciate the set of "taste testers" and are amazed with the quality of your product. The packaging is beautiful and compliments the flavors of the spreads. The overwhelming favorite was the Monkey Bizzness.

California Vendor

Love, love, love your jam. I especially love that they are tart and yummy and have such a low sugar content that I don't feel guilty giving them to my kids. Wonderful!

Facebook Fan Review

I own a competing jam company. I should leave a 1 star review But Liz and her company are fantastic. For sugar free items look no further. Best tasting and a great owner to boot.

Patrick Floyd


I can't imagine life without these handcrafted preserves! The local goodness is each bottle makes it extremely hard to pick a favorite. Can't live without it!!

Aubrey J.


"I can't imagine life without these handcrafted preserves! The local goodness is each bottle makes it extremely hard to pick a favorite. Can't live without it!!"

Aubrey J. (Utah)

"I have purchased Butcher's Bunches products at handmade markets throughout the State of Utah. I pick up a few jars every time I spot them - they are that good!"

Tauni E. (Utah)

Awesome customer service Thank you Liz for sending me the new jar of Black in Black. Just received it along with your card. Great product great care!

Alyssa Juliano


I have purchased Butcher's Bunches products at handmade markets throughout the State of Utah. I pick up a few jars every time I spot them - they are that good!

Tauni E.


I absolutely loved all the jams that I tried. The lemon was my favorite! I will absolutely buy from them again. Very yummy, and not a ton of sugar!

Nicole Bunnell Lindsay


Can I say how proud of you moving forward with your product? I did a demo with one of our Bries with your Fig Spread. Can I say Hit!!!

Harmon’s Grocery Cheese Monger

Logan Foodies, for breakfast: whole grain zucchini pancakes topped with agave syrup and Back in Black. Completely amazing.

Whitney Olsen


Few would argue that, despite the advancements of feminism over the past three decades, women still face a double standard.

Sarah Franklin

The tastiest unique jam we have ever had. Made with love and attention to detail.

Mary Exum Griffin


The marionberry jam is great! Always good to see good local products on the store shelves!

James Lindsey


Fantastic, interesting flavors, amazing service, no sugar! What more could you ask for?

Kirsten Fleming Pontarelli


My mom makes the best jam and I love it. My favorite is the Rasberry.

Kenneth Allen


DIY Workshop Services: No Cook Fruit Salsa w/Liz of Butcher's Bunches

The best artisan jams in Utah made with passion and love by family ♡

Ai Levy


The Healthy Voyager: Healthy, Eco and Vegan Mother's Day Gift Guide

"Food will never be the Same" (Review of Ciao This)

City Weekly, SLC, Utah

I am obsessed with the Traveling Marionberries! So good!

Payge Morgan


Butcher's Bunches makes Jam with Spunk . . .

Standard Examiner

A Local Table: Company Delivers Local to Your Door

Sundance SWAG: Gifting Hollywood with Utah Flavor

Brazilian cheese bread with a Utah twist

4 Secrets to a Well Stocked Holiday Pantry

Valley Resident Finds Sweet Success. . .

Butcher's Bunches: It's All For Kenneth

Jamming with Butcher's Bunches

Devour Magazine

Dishing PC - A Local Table's Awesome!

Chcolate Peaceful POP TARTS!

Shot of Life=Chocolate Party!

Chocolate Peaces Blog-Making

Why not Play in Your Food?

Studio 5 Love List: May 2010

The Salt Lake Tribune

Best jam family every!

Kirsten Butcher


Love these jams!!!

Alyse Hassell


Jam Session

Salt Lake Magazine (Mary Malouf)

Drop Dead Spreads

Tasting Table, NYC


Thom Jukes


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133 N Main St, Smithfield, UT 84335, USA

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